Sunday, December 30, 2007


I have been debating whether or not to tell you guys this, but aly said I should. The day after Christmas, I went to walk Bean. I saw this big tour bus pulled over, so I asked they needed help. I was in shock when Miley Cyrus and The Jonas Brothers came out of the car. They said that their engine broke down and that it was going to take 1 and1/2 weeks to fix. They couldn't get hotel reservations either. So I naturally invited them to stay in my 2nd guest house. They accepted. When I told my mom who was coming, she was paralized. But she snapped out of it and changed our dinner to oven baked chicken w/ green beans and potatoes and dessert to a chocalate bar (fro-yo for me). Miley is really nice and Nick Jonas is hawter than ever! The other day, Miley took us to the mall in after hours. Since she made reservations, all the stores were open and had the next days merchandise out.
After going on a giant shopping spree, The BB, Miley and me made our way to the big apple for dinner reservations. We all had lobster salads, a small Filet Migon, and Ice cream for dessert. All I can say, is that miley is soo nice. She doesn't want me to say of her private info, so I won't.

I Heart You
Mini Massie

Wednesday, December 26, 2007


So, as you may have guessed, I got everything I wanted and more. Some items that top the list:

Ipod Touch
A 11 day cruise to now wgere w/ my friends ( no parents)
Tickets to see Legally Blonde on brodway
Gold Ring/Necklace w/ diamonds from Bad Boy

Those are my top four prezzies. On Christmas, I wore the most ah-mazingly perfect green wrap dress. Add white heels and voi-la!

Once again more big news but, before tha, Let's all give aly a big round of applause for a job well done!

Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom came to our school and selected 10 models. All of my friends and I made the list. NM and NS didn't garuntee that the pictures would br publised, but I get to keep all of the clothes I model in. If they give me any pics. I'll definetly post them. Now, I have to go email aly, so

I Heart You,
Mini Massie

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tips For all of you

This has to be short because the boys are bringing me to school and I need to get ready. These tips might help the fashionable impared.

1. Today on MSN there is this little thing that you can click on and it will take you to this whats hot and whats not slide show thing. Or just click on this link-

2. Sign on for email notices for Neiman Marcus and Nordsrtoms (BTW on Neiman Marcus if you sign up you can win a $100,000 shopping spree. For those of you that are middle class, this is major! For the rich people of the world, we go on these every day:) ).

Saturday, December 15, 2007

The Day After

Today the boys came over for a surprise visit. They literally drooled on us when we answered the doors in our undies! The asked if we wanted to play in the snow( I know it sounds childish, but they were totally flirting.), we ahv-bisouly said yes. So the BB and me went to my room and changed. Once again we approached them, but in our snow clothes this time w/ Bean dressed up to ( She was 4 steps beyond cute!).
We had a snowball fight and then each of the couples built their own snow fort. The girls and I exchanged winks and ran inside. We grabbed Hot Cocoa and Cookies. We each glossed up, and went into the forts. The cookies and cocoa drove them crazy. We chatted and drank, then we kissed. We ahv-isouly started frenching. We kissed for 1 minute, then kissed about 100 mare times. Then the boys went to the mall ( They said they were buying presents for family, but it was easy to see they were buying presents for us. On that note, we went to buy presents for them.

What We got for them:
Gold watches
Coupons for Kissing
And much more!

I got invited to someones 40th birthday party that I have to go to. It's at 12:00, but if I don't start now, I'll never get ready in time ;)!

Friday, December 14, 2007

The Party!

That was one of the best parties ev-er! I didn't get home until like 1:15 ( Luckily my parents fully understood. They were asleep, what better way to understand?). Anyway, this is what I wore:

After Party:
Concept Of Outfit: To show him what a sweet and gentle girl I could be( Parents were actually here so I had to keep G-rated).
Top:Kate Spade Velvet Mexi Top
Pants: Pencil Straight, A-line black knee skirt
Bag: Coach Patch Top Handle Pouch( Soooo cu-te).
Shoes:Brown Marc Jacobs Metallic Flats
My Chocolate Brown Hair had Carmel Highlights, and was in loose, sexy waves.
I would like to keep my makeup secret.

After ,After Party:
Concept: To take that sweet image of me in his mind, shove it to the side, and put a more vivacious one in ( Parents had left for bed, so I skipped PG and Went Straight to PG-13)
Top:Gold Halter Top
Pants: Black satin Short Shorts
Shoes:4 inch pumps
My bag is the same, so is hair and makeup.

After, After, After Party:
Concept: To move things along.
Top:Black Tube top (It showed a sliver of my flat stomach)
Pants: Black Micro Mini
Shoes: Black 5inch wedge heels

My bag, makeup, and hair is the same.

When we arrived at the party, he noticed the parents were there, so we just danced appropriately, but once the parents left, oh, oh. We danced like our bodies were one. We were so close, it seemed like that too. Once he saw my 3rd outfit, he whisked me off to the makeout room. I swear, the room was perf.! There were beanbags strewn across the room, a cushy carpet, dimmed lights, and lots of candles. We sat down on a beanbag ( BTW, there were already couples kissing), scooted together, and it happened. We kissed for 58 seconds, and it felt sooo good, we came up to breath, look at eachother, and went back in. This time we frenched! The only thing I'm gonna say is that he's a really good kisser. The rest is private. The only major thing I'm gonna say is that :1. I landed on top of him a few times, 2. We stayed in their the rest of the party. It was fab!

Much Love,
Mini Massie

Thursday, December 13, 2007

New Boyfriend!

OMG! I just scored the hottest guy ever! I set the trap and -BAM!- he got stuck! He invited me to MRP's party, and after party, and after after party. Apparntly MRP has a room dubbed the makeout room by her older sister, an high school alpha. I'm sure you are going to ask me what he is like, so I'm going to tell you!

Eyes: Bright Sky Blue ( Like mine! His eyes always have a michevous glint in them)

Hair: A light dirty blonde ( I fully heart it when it fall into his perfect eyes)

Style: Boarding school cutie. He dresses preppy, but his sleeves are always rolled up, his tie crooked, and hair wild. It is sooooo ah-dorable!

Chacacteristics: Kind of sly, michevous, he always has this smile on his face like he's the devil. ( I find it totally cool.) he's actually pretty sentive, and he said he has a surprise for me. It should arr- It's here!

How unbeliebley cute is he! He got me an goregeous bracelet. It's a gold bangle studded w/ diamonds! On the inside he asked me to go steady! Of course I repiled yes!

Just to let you know the rest of the BB ( Boy Bait) is behind me. They all ahv-bisouly have dates that are hawt and HART. I just can't wa- iPhone ringing, It's him!

BadBoy: R u there?

MiniMassie: Of course. I love ur gift. it was cute x10

BadBoy: I got inv. 2 another party 4 2night, wan't to go?

MiniMassie: Can we ditch the party and only go 2 the aft. ones?

BadBoy: Sure. Our car will pick u and ur friends up at 9. theyre bf are asking them 2. will ride in one car, k?

MiniMassie: k bye!

And on that notice, our days agenda.

12:00- The Mall to buy outfits- Wear Juicy sweats, w/ knit uggs or reg uggs. Bring your own socks if planningto try shoes on.

1:30-Order Salad or Sushi, eat.

1:45-Shop again

2:30- Stop at starbucks 4 double choc. chip frappichino and almond biscotti.

2:45- Go to spa

5:00- Head to my house for spa/shower/shave

5:45- Give Mary dinner orders

6:15- Eat dinner

6:30-Hair/Makeup stylist arrive

8:00- Finish Hair and Makeup, get dressed

8:45- Get pictures taken.

9:00- Show these ah-dorable boys how hawt we can be!

For My outfit I think I'll wear denim short shorts, a tube or halter top, and 4 inch heels or cork wedge sandals. I can't wait! Post ya back!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Holiday Outfits

Okay, okay, I'm going to tell you what outfits I have planned for my up coming parties and Christmas, etc. I'll start w/ my closet party. It's planned for Friday after school. It's called th- iPhone ringing. One sec.

MizRozyPozy: Mini Massie, plz cme to my par-tay.
MiniMassie: Why wld I do tht?
MizRozyPozy: Cz it'll sck w/ ot u
MiniMassie: True, true.
MizRozyPozy: Plz. i'll lt u brg ur frnds and byfrnds 2 it!
MiniMassie: Will byz be invtd?
MizRozyPozy: Duh!
MiniMassie: Ugh. Whn iz it?
MizRozyPozy: Strdy.
MiniMassie: Fne. Wht type of drss iz it?
MizRozyPozy: Any type u wnt!
MiniMassie: Ok, seeya thn
MizRozyPozy: Yeah! thnkz

I have to admit, she's not that bad. Miz Rozy Pozy was really close to being in our group. She has a perfect wardrobe, a perfect body, and major hall cred. The only problemo is that she is waaaay to tall.

Back to the outfits. I guess I'll now start w/ Sat. party.

MRPs Party:
Emerald Green Wool Dress
Gray Shirt and Leggings
Gold Flats
Gold Clutch
I'll get hair extensions and more of a gold toned highlights.
I'm not going to tell you my makeup. If you were invited, which I'm sure you were. ( If not, leave a post.) you'll see it then.

Now the school party. It's called the Holiday Ball. (Who came up w/ that name? Aly?)

HB Party:

Gold and White Wrap Dress
White Tights
Gold flats w/ White accents
Matching clutch.
My hair will be in loose waves, I'll have gold undertones and my highlights from the other party will still be new enough.You will have to wait to see hair and makeup.

Next is Christmas.

C Party:
Chiffon Green and Gold Halter Dress
Green Pumps
Gold Clutch
My hair will be in two loose and sexy braids. Same deal with the makeup.

New Years Eve is Next on the list.

NYE Party
Blue and Silver Long Sleeved Babydoll Dress
Blue Flats
Silver Hobo Bag
My hair will be straightened w/ a side part. Same w/ makeup.

Un-fourtanley, those are all partiesfor December. Post Back soon And I'll tell you about January's parties and outfits. Oh, I might not post Friday because my friends and I are going to the 4 Seasons for dinner, than sleeping over at the Plaza. It's nothing Big, just the usual. BTW, I dumped my old Boyfriend. I'm planning to meet a new one on Sat. I'll post you back w/ the deets!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Retards Beware

I will repeat my self, WATCH OUT!! If you even think about trashing my blog, I'll know it. Do it once get, get off w/ a public warning. Do it twice, and I'll have to do some research. I can't mention what I'll do 4 3 times, because its my little secert!

BTW, I'm on ur tail aly (We all know that is not ur real name, and that u heart the clique books. It says so in ur profile)

I Heart U
Mini Massie

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Wanna Be Cool LBR Dissers

Just a warning, don't even think of dissing me. I'll diss you back ten times faster and better. Dissing only works for us POPULAR people. If I'm being mean, too bad. Be mean to me, and face my wrath.

Monday, November 26, 2007

What's in for SPRING

I know you are all excited. My friend at Neiman's gave me ALOT of the spring collections clothes, and now I know what's hot and what's not.

Silver and other perishable metallics
Pink Taffeta
Wine colored silk
Black/White Plaid
Red Satin

Orange,red , hot pink cashmere
Purple and rainbow flats

Beauty and Boys

Okay, these are topics on every body's mind and you know it. If you want the info, read on. If you don't vamoose you strange creature. I'm going to start w/ beauty. Some people might think beauty is on the inside, or you have to be beautiful on the inside to be beautiful on the outside. I mean, seriously that might apply to some era, but sooo not modern day private school. So I'm going to post some ah-mazing tips and recipes ( for those who can't afford already made makeup). Tips first, recipes later.

1.Never, ever wear shall I say "flamboyant" eye shadow. It will most likely clash with other makeup, outfits, and hair or skin tone.If you want a good night club look, try a bolder lip color.

2.When talking to boys, always make eye contact. Even if they act akward, they'll be haunted by your boldness and enchanted by your braveness. Then your work will be cut out for you!

3.I beg of you, please don't wear eyeshadow that is the same color as your eyes.

4.When ever your crush is around, be sure to laugh. He'll wonder if your laughing about him and come join you for the answer.

Sorry Bean needs her night time walk. I'll post more lay-tah.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Sorry I haven't posted in a while :(. I've just been sooooooo busy w/ cheerleading. We have a giant cheerleading comp on Sat and I've been practicing like heck. But my coach is giving us a spa day on Fri. I can't wait! If we get first place in this comp ( which we will, just like the 2 other comps) or second, we go to Florida! Un-fourtuanly, it's at Disney- home of crazy tourists, crying babies, and LBRs. But I want to tell you my new picture perfect plane outfit.

Top/Bottom: The new Juicy Butterfly sweats

Shoes: Sand uggs

Hair: Probably in an ah-dorable side braid

Luggage:Tumi suitcases

Makeup: Pink lipgloss, blush, brown liner and shadow

Isn't it gor and a juss! I just got this new pur-fect bikini. You might ask,"How does one get a bikini in winter?" Post your guesses and I'll reveal the answer soon. Post ya later

Mini Massie

Monday, November 12, 2007

New wardrobes

I am back from the city and wiped out! I'm in my new juicy sweats and sheepskin slippers. Bean matches! When I went shopping I bought Bean:

A purple bathrobe

White fuzzy slippers

Crown hair pin

White cashmere blanket

Light Green Purple Plaid down bed

Green Ralph dress

Ah-dorable Pink sandals

A tail bow ( how cute is that!)

A special dog bath ( it matches mine and works like mine too:)

Literally every toy Sniffany&Co. has

Pucci rain boots

Mark Jacob's dress ( white and red, the it colors for winter, and Bean's black! How perf!)

Everything I bought Bean I ahb-visouly bought for me! That's about a tenth of what I really bought her and a hundredth of what I bought myself. I can't belive I haven't posted in a while! But I know you need me! All you LBRs in hiding need to come out of your shell! Mini Massie is here to help! If you have any info on new trends or just want to post, Please do! I appreciate your compliments and j`adore giving advice!

What's In

I know you are going to ask so I'll just state the question and answer.

Q: What's in for winter?

A: I'm just back from the city so this the perf time to ask! As far as I can see, red black and white are going to make a huge comeback. Leggings paired with ugg boots might sound strange but are coming in. Kimono style dresses with leggings and flats seem very cool As far as I know. Cargo pants paired w/ cashmere sweaters are definitely in. Cords paired w/ wool is working its way to the top! If I didn't answer something our you have a question, just leave a comment!

LBRs vamoose in less here for I good reason. And DON'T copy my style.

A peek into my VIP life!

Okay, Okay, I know you want to know about me so here's a peek into my life.

Favorite shoes: My knee high tan UGG boots

Favorite Designer: Juicy

What I look like: Wavy Light Brown Hair, Carmel Highlights ( Thank You Ashley!), Tall, Skinny but very Curvy.

How Many Boys Think I'm Hot: Too many to count.

Okay, We are still shopping in NYC. Right now I am in Saks 5th Avenue looking for a new bag. One sec text coming in.

RedHead:? ru
MiniMassie: Saks. u?
Red Head: Neiman
Mini Massie: wht do u nd
RedHead: i cn't decde b twn juicy or louis
MiniMassie:4 wht
RedHead: and for chrstms
MiniMassie: louis
RedHead: thnx ;)
MiniMassie: no prb

Sorry bout that. You know, a fashionista always helps a friend in need.

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Phew am I wiped! 10 hours of shopping is tiring, but were not done yet! Guess what! I just got the new purple and white juicy sweats! I can't wait to use them! Okay, for thanksgiving I got this ah-mazing purple and gold BCBG dress! I paired with gold flats ( Nine West), and a gold clutch (Nine West). I'm sure you all want to see it, but I can't have any one copy my fashion. That would be sooooo LBRish. Of course I brought Bean w/ me ( Yes,I Have a black pug named bean. But I got her before I read the clique books so DO NOT call me an EW) and I got her this ah-dorably cute poncho with matching booties! White and cashmere. End of story.

Okay we stayed out shopping to late so we are staying at the So-Ho Grand. Our room is ah-mazing beyond belief. It is all light blue. The walls are this ah-mazing shade of blue and our comforters match! There is a white shag carpet ( Sheepskin of course) and it is to die for! There is more blue stuff and white accents but my favorite part was... Ready? The bathroom! It was the size of my walk-in closet and had A beach theme! It is gor and a juss. I can't wait to see you all again!

New York City

We've been in the city a little while, and we've only hit 3 stores! We just got our nails done and our on our way to Au Bon Pain to grab lattes. I'm going to Florida the first week of December w/ cheer leading. I'm going to tell you my picture perfect plane outfit

Top: Turquoise mini dress

Pants: Dark wash Pencil straight skinny jeans

Shoes: Bronze Snake skin mules

Bag: Metallic brozne leather hobo bag

My makeup will be arbonne, not sure what quite yet. (I have to look at their holiday magazine).

Rate it please!

Range Rover

Mini Massie at your service! I'm on my way to the city w/ Blond Babe, Fun Feista, Red Head, and Gummy Girl. Each one of them reminds me of a clique character. Do you want to know what they're wearing? I'm sure you do you!

Fun Feista: Brown Ralph Lauren cargos w/ lght blue cashmere sweater. White pumps, brown bag. Soft pink lipgloss dark brown blush and no eye shadow. Overall score: 9.0

Red Head: Juicy rhinestone jeans (dark wash), light brown uggs, I can't see her top, she won't take off her jacket, no make up on yet. Overall:9.0

Gummy Girl: White satin cmi, black cashmere tie front cardigan, black jeans, white keds, Softlips lipgloss, pale pink blush, brown eyeshadow. Overall:9.0

I already told you my and Blond Babes outfit. I am a 9.8 and she is a 9.1. Got to go. Post ya soon! Wait! I stopped liking you know who!

State of the Union
In Out
Girls Boys
9.o-10.0 0.0-8.9

Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Clique

Hi, it's Mini Massie here! Don't you even try to call me an eternal wannabe a.ka. EW. If you have an questions about any thing clique like, this is the person to ask. Right I am going to even tell you a little about me.

What I am wearing: Blue Juicy sweats with a brown cami underneath w/ light brown uggs.

Were I am: In my all white bedroom w/ light green accents (not purple!).Using my Apple laptop on my couch.

My outfit for tommorrow: Sliver Juicy dress over black leggingd w/ silver flats. Pink lip gloss and shimmer blush w/ matching eye shadow.

Where I'm going: NYC, shopping!

Wait one sec. Iphone ringing.

OMG! That conversation was sooooo funny. I'm goning to post it

BlondBabe:Wht r u doing
MiniMassie: Mking blog, shopping, getting ready for NYC
BlondBabe: Awsme!
MiniMassie: Wht r u wearing to cty?
BlondBabe:Kahki crgos, army grn cmi, grn flts, kahki blzer,grn cshmr scarf
MiniMassie: Dsignr?
BlondBabe: Duh! Whts going on w/ u and Nic- I mean ur crush
Mini Massie:Everything! See u at hs gme!
BlondBabe: See ya cheeta!

I admit it wasn't that funny! :(
BlondBabe reminds me of Kirsten but rich?
I got to go his game but first, my outfit!

Top: Red Cashmere scoop neck sweater
Pants: Satin Black drawstring cargos
Shoes: White pumps
The makeup, jewlery, and bag are mine to know, and yours to wonder about!

My State of the Union
In Out
Him Old Crush
Winning Losing

Do not copy me! If you are an LBR ask for advice or vamoose!