Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Holiday Outfits

Okay, okay, I'm going to tell you what outfits I have planned for my up coming parties and Christmas, etc. I'll start w/ my closet party. It's planned for Friday after school. It's called th- iPhone ringing. One sec.

MizRozyPozy: Mini Massie, plz cme to my par-tay.
MiniMassie: Why wld I do tht?
MizRozyPozy: Cz it'll sck w/ ot u
MiniMassie: True, true.
MizRozyPozy: Plz. i'll lt u brg ur frnds and byfrnds 2 it!
MiniMassie: Will byz be invtd?
MizRozyPozy: Duh!
MiniMassie: Ugh. Whn iz it?
MizRozyPozy: Strdy.
MiniMassie: Fne. Wht type of drss iz it?
MizRozyPozy: Any type u wnt!
MiniMassie: Ok, seeya thn
MizRozyPozy: Yeah! thnkz

I have to admit, she's not that bad. Miz Rozy Pozy was really close to being in our group. She has a perfect wardrobe, a perfect body, and major hall cred. The only problemo is that she is waaaay to tall.

Back to the outfits. I guess I'll now start w/ Sat. party.

MRPs Party:
Emerald Green Wool Dress
Gray Shirt and Leggings
Gold Flats
Gold Clutch
I'll get hair extensions and more of a gold toned highlights.
I'm not going to tell you my makeup. If you were invited, which I'm sure you were. ( If not, leave a post.) you'll see it then.

Now the school party. It's called the Holiday Ball. (Who came up w/ that name? Aly?)

HB Party:

Gold and White Wrap Dress
White Tights
Gold flats w/ White accents
Matching clutch.
My hair will be in loose waves, I'll have gold undertones and my highlights from the other party will still be new enough.You will have to wait to see hair and makeup.

Next is Christmas.

C Party:
Chiffon Green and Gold Halter Dress
Green Pumps
Gold Clutch
My hair will be in two loose and sexy braids. Same deal with the makeup.

New Years Eve is Next on the list.

NYE Party
Blue and Silver Long Sleeved Babydoll Dress
Blue Flats
Silver Hobo Bag
My hair will be straightened w/ a side part. Same w/ makeup.

Un-fourtanley, those are all partiesfor December. Post Back soon And I'll tell you about January's parties and outfits. Oh, I might not post Friday because my friends and I are going to the 4 Seasons for dinner, than sleeping over at the Plaza. It's nothing Big, just the usual. BTW, I dumped my old Boyfriend. I'm planning to meet a new one on Sat. I'll post you back w/ the deets!


Aly said...

i like the
x-mas outfit and the new year's
the HB outfit
is kinda fugly.
but that's your outfit.
not mine.
but, see?
i can be nice...kinda.


Anonymous said...

I think all the outfits are awsome! I adore this blog to! Nikki gives bad advice!

Aly said...

well, that'd
your opininon mandy.
and the thing bout Nikki?


Anonymous said...

okay I'm mandy.
i didn't write that, or the thing on nikki's blog like, omg you suck! or whatever.
i think it's pretty obvious that mini massie just pretended to be me on her own blog.

i don't think nikki gives bad advice. she said the same thing as MM but with more detail.
and seriously, mini massie,
Speak for yourself!!

Mini Massie said...

What are you talking about. I'm an alpha, I would never steal someones identity,it might make me a beta.

Jaelyn said...

It WOULD make you a beta.
for sure.

woahh mandy,
chill. :)

Mini Massie said...

Who's the beta here? Seriously. From the you sound, it's like you're begging for forgiveness. An alpha never begs- she makes somebody do it for her;) .

Anonymous said...

I never said I was an alpha!
I'm not begging for forgiveness, either!
Not from you, anyways
And seriously, your
"an alpha never ... blah blah blah..."
are so stupid and Clique novel-ish!
i mean, god!!!

Anonymous said...

Mandy is tottaly right MM. You are a desperate knockoff version of massie block. Stop trying to act cool and stop making up stories on your blog. WHAT A PERV. You were all like "they saw us in our undies!" You acted like that was a good thing.... LO-SAH. If youre gunna be a poser, then at least be good at it! Mandy, i sooo agree with you.

Mini Massie said...

1. I'm not aposer and:
2. I could say the same for you. Desprate much? Putting(or trying) to but other people down to make your little homeless heart feel better? If you want help, read my blog.

Anonymous said...

Who are you talking to? Me, or alicia?

Mini Massie said...

Alicia(The faker!)

Anonymous said...

Excuse me LOSAH MASSIE. I'm not Alicia from the clique and I'm not trying to be unlike u. ou kinda need a life... wait, You REALLY need a life, and MILey and the Jonas Brothers? You are one of the biggest liars EVER. I wrote a letter to miley cyrus and asked if that was true, and guess what she wrote back> She wrote back a few questions marks and said "what are u talking about?" So officially you are a BIG LIAR!

Mini Massie said...

Um, don't acsuse me of accusing but, Miley wouldn't respond that quickly. And I'm sorry to say this but, until you have an acutual account and and pic,
I'm still gonna picture you as a loser bitch.

BTW- Miley had to leave early! She acutually left Sunday, I just didn't write about until NE!

Anonymous said...

Ummm... yes miley would. If u really knew her, you would know that. I emailed her telling her Im her biggest fan, so she tottaly responds to my mail really fast. I dont know her, and Im not trying to lie about it, unlike you. Im going to borrow lisi harrison's phrase... YOU ARE AN LBR. Fine, picture me as a loser bitch, while your at it, get a life. And you never put any pics up. Oh wait, I know why, CUZ UR UGLY. I dont know you, (am im glad I dont), but from your blog I can tell you are a helpless wannabe, making up stories online to make yourself look cool, which is never going to happen.

Aly said...



Mini Massie said...

1.I don't try to be cool, it kust happens
2. I'm not a fake! When will I get the point through!!! I am more real Jamie Lynn Spears getting preg. But you haven't seemed to notice that yet have you!!!

I'll put it this way, eitger we call a truce of you get ripped to shreads!