Friday, December 14, 2007

The Party!

That was one of the best parties ev-er! I didn't get home until like 1:15 ( Luckily my parents fully understood. They were asleep, what better way to understand?). Anyway, this is what I wore:

After Party:
Concept Of Outfit: To show him what a sweet and gentle girl I could be( Parents were actually here so I had to keep G-rated).
Top:Kate Spade Velvet Mexi Top
Pants: Pencil Straight, A-line black knee skirt
Bag: Coach Patch Top Handle Pouch( Soooo cu-te).
Shoes:Brown Marc Jacobs Metallic Flats
My Chocolate Brown Hair had Carmel Highlights, and was in loose, sexy waves.
I would like to keep my makeup secret.

After ,After Party:
Concept: To take that sweet image of me in his mind, shove it to the side, and put a more vivacious one in ( Parents had left for bed, so I skipped PG and Went Straight to PG-13)
Top:Gold Halter Top
Pants: Black satin Short Shorts
Shoes:4 inch pumps
My bag is the same, so is hair and makeup.

After, After, After Party:
Concept: To move things along.
Top:Black Tube top (It showed a sliver of my flat stomach)
Pants: Black Micro Mini
Shoes: Black 5inch wedge heels

My bag, makeup, and hair is the same.

When we arrived at the party, he noticed the parents were there, so we just danced appropriately, but once the parents left, oh, oh. We danced like our bodies were one. We were so close, it seemed like that too. Once he saw my 3rd outfit, he whisked me off to the makeout room. I swear, the room was perf.! There were beanbags strewn across the room, a cushy carpet, dimmed lights, and lots of candles. We sat down on a beanbag ( BTW, there were already couples kissing), scooted together, and it happened. We kissed for 58 seconds, and it felt sooo good, we came up to breath, look at eachother, and went back in. This time we frenched! The only thing I'm gonna say is that he's a really good kisser. The rest is private. The only major thing I'm gonna say is that :1. I landed on top of him a few times, 2. We stayed in their the rest of the party. It was fab!

Much Love,
Mini Massie


Aly said...

actually tried this time.
and the after party outfit?
i loved it.
but the after after party?
somewhat hoochie, but i guess it's supposed to be like that in
the A.A.P.
i'v even had an A.A.A.A.P!
and since all the parties are
at my estate i have no prob
"breaking cerfew"
ew, not like i have one.


Mini Massie said...

Neither do I.

Aly said...

my C.B.P is in 2 days.
(Christmas Benefit Party)
im sooo exited,
I'm on my Mac right now IM'ing
BTW, Im about to go to Milennia.
Not to shop, well to shop, yeah,
but for my cousin needs to find something to her promo party.
she has the tackiest taste.
ew.. wish me luck.
hopefully i can get her into something cute for once.
i can probably buy some jeans and some tops for me..if i have the time.
She is such a time freak.


Mini Massie said...

That was totally random.
Aly, why don't we call a truce and destroy some fake massie?

Aly said...

yeah, well imma random girl.
lets kick some
Fassie ass.


Mini Massie said...

Deal. And the only reason my name is still mini massie is because I can't think of anything better.

Mini Massie said...

BTW, aly, I ah-dore the sunglasses that you're wearing in your latest picture. Are they the new Chloe` ones?

Aly said...

but i got em
from a gift from Danny.
whats up
with your boys(:
and (this might be 2nd grade but...)
**high five**
lol, boy shorts & camis
all the way babeehh(:


Anonymous said...

I went to a different party the same night. My bf and me locked ourselves for an hour in the bathroom. My bf started taking off his clothes. It was sexy at first, but hen it was just disturbing when he was naked. I tottaly dumped him, and as I'm typing this, hes IMing me to ask if I wanna make out, what a desperate wanna be.

Anonymous said...

puh-lease everyone can tell
that your a poser
ugh people these days...

Mini Massie said...

Your the wannabe, not me

Anonymous said...

Tottaly kidding about earlier comment... And Mini Massie, GET A LIFE! There you are trying to impress everyone with your 1st grade disses and your 2nd grade comebacks. MY GRANDMA would laugh at those... Thats how laaaaaaame they are.

Mini Massie said...

I don't try that's why. I only try for people I think my accutually hurt my blog!

Anonymous said...

Clearly you dont try. Oh wait, it seems like your trying but simply failing! LOSER. Get a life and stop making up stories.