Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Clique

Hi, it's Mini Massie here! Don't you even try to call me an eternal wannabe a.ka. EW. If you have an questions about any thing clique like, this is the person to ask. Right I am going to even tell you a little about me.

What I am wearing: Blue Juicy sweats with a brown cami underneath w/ light brown uggs.

Were I am: In my all white bedroom w/ light green accents (not purple!).Using my Apple laptop on my couch.

My outfit for tommorrow: Sliver Juicy dress over black leggingd w/ silver flats. Pink lip gloss and shimmer blush w/ matching eye shadow.

Where I'm going: NYC, shopping!

Wait one sec. Iphone ringing.

OMG! That conversation was sooooo funny. I'm goning to post it

BlondBabe:Wht r u doing
MiniMassie: Mking blog, shopping, getting ready for NYC
BlondBabe: Awsme!
MiniMassie: Wht r u wearing to cty?
BlondBabe:Kahki crgos, army grn cmi, grn flts, kahki blzer,grn cshmr scarf
MiniMassie: Dsignr?
BlondBabe: Duh! Whts going on w/ u and Nic- I mean ur crush
Mini Massie:Everything! See u at hs gme!
BlondBabe: See ya cheeta!

I admit it wasn't that funny! :(
BlondBabe reminds me of Kirsten but rich?
I got to go his game but first, my outfit!

Top: Red Cashmere scoop neck sweater
Pants: Satin Black drawstring cargos
Shoes: White pumps
The makeup, jewlery, and bag are mine to know, and yours to wonder about!

My State of the Union
In Out
Him Old Crush
Winning Losing

Do not copy me! If you are an LBR ask for advice or vamoose!

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