Sunday, December 9, 2007

Wanna Be Cool LBR Dissers

Just a warning, don't even think of dissing me. I'll diss you back ten times faster and better. Dissing only works for us POPULAR people. If I'm being mean, too bad. Be mean to me, and face my wrath.


Aly said...

"face my wrath"?
thats just about as funny as you
think you're like Massie.
So i'll call you mini me.
Oh and turquoise?
i don't think so.
and a little tip form me to
cause it seems like you need it,
pastels and freakishly bright colors are out.


Mini Massie said...

Uh, no they're not. The only thing out is you! P.S. If you hate me so much, why do you read my blog and post on it?

Aly said...

you post that ridiculous comment
on fassie's blog.
and when i mean that,
it was pretty stupid.
so i wanted to see what you were about.
oh and ME say i LOVE the clique books?
that's as stupid as me saying
im not rich and popular.
plus, read my first blog.
means, click on 2007 and click on thanksgiving break.
read the comments that some bitch holly sent me.
it'll explain everything.


Mini Massie said...

I wish would come out of your dorky inner shell and just tell the word what a dork you are!

Aly said...

i could say the same thing about you.
but everyone already knows,
you're fake, a loser and a dork.


Mini Massie said...

I think you're mistaking me for you!

Aly said...

i don't think so.
so called
"10x better disses"
wouldn't insult my 8 year old


Mini Massie said...

If you want to think that in your little world, that is fine w/ me!

Aly said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aly said...

and if you wanna
think that in your pathetic
world that you're like massie
and not a massie
wannabe. then fine.
just a peice of advice, tho:

get help, please(:

because you obviously think you're
rich and like massie.
oh and-iPhone ringing.
EW!! who does that?
iPhone ringing? gawd.
that just shows you're trying
too much.
plus, who shows their conversations
they had
on their BLOG but yet has no pic?
ugh, hopeless.


Mini Massie said...

uh, the only reason i don't havea picture is because last time I put my picture on a blog, I got a stalker and it wasn't pretty. Because of that, I'm not posting my picture anymore!

Aly said...

called security.
i thought
since you
think you're so rich, i
thought you'd
have secruity...i guess not.


Mini Massie said...

Some stalkers are very determined, he lived in califorina. And on that note, there was not much I could do.

Aly said...

your pro says you
like in NY.
if that "stalker"
supposedly lives in Cali,
so what.
unless he takes his private jet
all the way to NY and stalk
it really doesnt matter.


Mini Massie said...

Um, let's put it this way.

Things he Did:
1. Send me countless emails asking me to move to cali and elope w/ him.
2. Send me tons of presents
3. He even called me several times.

So yes for your info aly, I did send security for him. That is what made it stop.

Aly said...

i had a stalker like that twice.
what made it scarier
was that they both lived in windermere.
but of course...
so it doesnt matter
if i have 3753 stalkers.
thanks alex(security gaurd #4).


Anonymous said...

Hey Mini massie. Youre disses make me crack up. My friends and I print your blog when you update it, then CRACK up at your horrible disses. I even showed my 6 year old sister, and she said they sucked. You clearly have no life, but aly is pretty cool.

Mini Massie said...

Friends, are you sure you know what those are you homeless fake?

Aly said...

thanks alicia.
