Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tips For all of you

This has to be short because the boys are bringing me to school and I need to get ready. These tips might help the fashionable impared.

1. Today on MSN there is this little thing that you can click on and it will take you to this whats hot and whats not slide show thing. Or just click on this link-http://lifestyle.msn.com/beautyandfashion/personalstyle/staticslideshow.aspx?cp-documentid=5864547&GT1=10712

2. Sign on for email notices for Neiman Marcus and Nordsrtoms (BTW on Neiman Marcus if you sign up you can win a $100,000 shopping spree. For those of you that are middle class, this is major! For the rich people of the world, we go on these every day:) ).


Anonymous said...

Thnx for the tips. Cool blog.

Aly said...

pretty much,
you know about
shopping like everyday?
um, yeah.


Jaelyn said...

I took my cousin to the mall once, and she thought $200 was alot.
crazyyy. :)

Anonymous said...

Um, it's Nordstrom, not Nordsrtoms, but your tips are cool. Keep doing stuff like that.

Mini Massie said...

I know. It was a typo, the d and s keys are right next to eachother.

Anonymous said...

omg, dad is ah-nnoying, he wouldn't let me buy the 400.00 coach purse I want, so I just asked mom, simple as that. And mini massie you are pretty cool. Love Lisi Harrison, shes my idol!