Monday, December 10, 2007

Retards Beware

I will repeat my self, WATCH OUT!! If you even think about trashing my blog, I'll know it. Do it once get, get off w/ a public warning. Do it twice, and I'll have to do some research. I can't mention what I'll do 4 3 times, because its my little secert!

BTW, I'm on ur tail aly (We all know that is not ur real name, and that u heart the clique books. It says so in ur profile)

I Heart U
Mini Massie


chicooo=] said...

Don't say retards.
It's offensive. What if someone who actually was mentally retarded read that? It's derrogatory to kids who are Special Ed.

Mini Massie said...

I don't think "Special Ed" people will have a blog.

chicooo=] said...

Really? Last time I checked, it didn't matter whether or not they had blogs.
My brother has Autism so it just bugs the crap out of me when I see or hear people saying retards when it's really not supposed to be used that way.
It's sad, really.