Wednesday, December 26, 2007


So, as you may have guessed, I got everything I wanted and more. Some items that top the list:

Ipod Touch
A 11 day cruise to now wgere w/ my friends ( no parents)
Tickets to see Legally Blonde on brodway
Gold Ring/Necklace w/ diamonds from Bad Boy

Those are my top four prezzies. On Christmas, I wore the most ah-mazingly perfect green wrap dress. Add white heels and voi-la!

Once again more big news but, before tha, Let's all give aly a big round of applause for a job well done!

Neiman Marcus and Nordstrom came to our school and selected 10 models. All of my friends and I made the list. NM and NS didn't garuntee that the pictures would br publised, but I get to keep all of the clothes I model in. If they give me any pics. I'll definetly post them. Now, I have to go email aly, so

I Heart You,
Mini Massie


Aly said...

thank you.
oh and when the photos with go public?
unless you wanna go to beverly hills and see me in a magazine.
go ahead(:
lol, apperently since it's my first time, my pics only get published around the cali area.
i think only nikki gets to see me.
and that dress sounds adorable.
also, legally blonde?
saw it, it was fun. but the actress who plays her looks like she got boob reduction. lol.


Anonymous said...

thats funny. your calling me ugly but YOU do not have any pictures. Could it be that YOUR ugly and dont want neone 2 know. i think so. actually, i know so. and by the way- your a poser 2 so shut up.

Mini Massie said...

Ha, Ha, Ha! Look who's talking. You took everybodys picture except your own from
I mean seriuosly. Get a life Mrs. I-way 3,000-pounds-and I'm-living-in-a- bubble. Oh, and 29 presents? My dog got twice that! I'm adding a picture, but I just haven't decide what one I should use. They all look great be cause of me! Plus I need a little bit of photoshopping to edit out the backround.

BTW- Massie block is not Real!!!! The clique series is fake!!!! Can you grasp that concept!!!

Jaelyn said...

Heyy MM...
What's up with you saying I'm a
fake and plastic looking little bitch?
I don't remember saying anything to you.
And I'm so over the internet fighting,
so if you're gonna talk your shit,
at least say it to my face.

Mini Massie said...

Why don't we calla truce? We're not going anywhere fighting,and w/ u me and aly, We can destroy any fake massie and insulters like that!

Jaelyn said...

truce. :)
I still want to know why you called me a fake
plastic bitch, tho.
but whatevs.

Jeune Royauté said...

yeahh I don't weight 3000 pounds. When I edited the picture it made me look fat. you still don't have a picture. and you are obviously not rich and faking it. I looked at your pro and your presents sucked. Have you ever read the clique? Massie gets 28 presents and u obviously want to be her so... you are probably like 150 pounds, while I am 82. so shut up you fake lier ugly bitch! Obviously I know Massie is fake.