Monday, November 26, 2007

What's in for SPRING

I know you are all excited. My friend at Neiman's gave me ALOT of the spring collections clothes, and now I know what's hot and what's not.

Silver and other perishable metallics
Pink Taffeta
Wine colored silk
Black/White Plaid
Red Satin

Orange,red , hot pink cashmere
Purple and rainbow flats


Aly said...

Ah, another Massie
even, though you don't
"claim" to be her.
um, more like her stalker.
...or groupie.
that's more like it.


Mini Massie said...

Ah, another wanna-be cool lbr. Face it, I'm cool your not. If you wan't to become more fashionable and less EWish, read my post, the might help you in your little bubble " I'm the best person in the world even though I'm a dork" world. Come back when you want to praise me or give consructive criticsm (not that'll I take it)

Aly said...

it's sad that you're
think that you're like
Massie. i don't read those pathetic books, by from
what my clique obbsessed cousin Emy told me about Massie,
you're sure not like her.
Just a suckier version.
Massie already sucks as it is,
and for some saying that you're
a mini version of her?
Well that's just even more sad, mini-me.


Mini Massie said...

Shut up retard. I know you are poor and a gangly dork. U pretend to be rich and popular wishing it will happen. 2 bad 4 u, it never will.

Aly said...

ew, loser.
i know im rich and popular.
but if it takes an idiot like you
to not believe me, then fine.
you're the one sleeping in the alley.
and going to the soup kitchen
every week.
and if you don't take my tip,
i'm happy you'll stand
out in the cold outside.
cause, as they say, bright colors
atract sun.


Mini Massie said...

Plz get off my blog our I'm going to hafta report you for swearing and Massies Blog!

P.S. The smiley icon goes like;) not(;. That looks really b-a-d!

Aly said...

i can (: or :)
if i want.
i like (: better.
got a problem?
then eff you.
and cussing??
ok, fine.
but that just show you're
afraid and not an alpha.
at LEAST, an alpha would deal with it herself.
but i guess you're not.
oh, well.


Mini Massie said...

I never said I was an alpha, I'm gald you finall y figured out!

Aly said...

im refering
as the alpha who
deals with everything upfront
to me.
ew, not you.
you're just a loser.


Mini Massie said...

"you're just a loser. duh." What kind of come back is that? Serious;y, my dog could do better than that.

Aly said...

i don't need a diss
to, well diss you.
this blog speaks
for itself.
and it's so sad that you
made an account of me
and posted it
but i just loved it.
keep trying,
to "destroy me".


Anonymous said...

She did the same thing to me on nikki's blog and her own!

Mini Massie said...

What are you guys talking about? A true alpha would never steal someones identity, it might affect her rep.

Aly said...

i'll just ignore
that for now.
But it's okay.
i'll email laterr,
