Sunday, November 18, 2007


Sorry I haven't posted in a while :(. I've just been sooooooo busy w/ cheerleading. We have a giant cheerleading comp on Sat and I've been practicing like heck. But my coach is giving us a spa day on Fri. I can't wait! If we get first place in this comp ( which we will, just like the 2 other comps) or second, we go to Florida! Un-fourtuanly, it's at Disney- home of crazy tourists, crying babies, and LBRs. But I want to tell you my new picture perfect plane outfit.

Top/Bottom: The new Juicy Butterfly sweats

Shoes: Sand uggs

Hair: Probably in an ah-dorable side braid

Luggage:Tumi suitcases

Makeup: Pink lipgloss, blush, brown liner and shadow

Isn't it gor and a juss! I just got this new pur-fect bikini. You might ask,"How does one get a bikini in winter?" Post your guesses and I'll reveal the answer soon. Post ya later

Mini Massie

1 comment:

chicooo=] said...

my friend went to vegas and is going to orlando for cheer.