Monday, January 14, 2008

Bratfest at Tiffanies

Here is how I think the first chptr should be( thank u caitlynxoxo for inspriring me to do this!!) :

7:45 AM

As Massie stared at her perfect outfit, she wondered what school would be like with boys. Ever since mid-May when her boyfriend Derrington (Derrick Harrington) ditched her at sky hamilton's party, she found the urge to get him back. The dump had kind of been her fault. TPC thought that Derrington wasn't that mature, and the idea rubbed off on Massie. She dumped him without telling him, and the second Derrington dumped her, she just wanted to get him back.Tpc had gone on a boy strike, just to be safe. To make matters worse, briar wood collapsed (which was also her fault.) so the boys have to go to OCD. Because of that, massies alpha status was dropping by the second and she needed it back-badly. "Swettie, Issac is ready to leve" Kedra block called from the kitchen. Massie Grapped her prada messenger bag and walked down the stairs. After saying good-bye she slid into the seat of the range rover and sat next to claire. Massie knew exactlywhat claire was thinking about. one word-cam. In spring, claire found out that someone named nikki was in love with cam, and he was giving nikkis old presents to claire. Cam had also ditched claire at the party.
After everyone was in the car, massie began the rating rounds. "And first up is alicia looking great in gray tailored ralph lauren pants, an juicy ivory silk cami, a bcbg gray blazer and turquiose flats. Her hair is in 2 pocahontas braids, addin a sexy edge to the complete look. congrats, u are a 9.6" Everyone noded in agreement. " Let me go next!! I lost 15 lbs over summer." It was ahb-visoulsy dylan, who's main obbseesion is weight loss. "Miss Marvil is excluding confidance in a black and red mark jacobs kimono. black leggings and red flats and a whimsicial touch to the outfit. your red hair got darker undertones, completeing the look. congrats, you are also a 9.6." Dylan shone, not being able to contain her joy. Kirsten went next. "Teared sevens and a pma tee and jacket give u a rough and tough look, while your now shoulder length blonde hair shows a softer side. congrats, u are a 9.5!". Claire was next. During spring while they were expelled, claire was a lead in the hit movie" Dial L for loser". The pay had made her rich, and now she fit in a little more. " Today claire is looking suprisingly cute in navy joie cargos, a forest green velevet bely w/ a gold buckle, aforest green lacoste tee, a gold chanel braclet, and *gasp* gold and navy marc jacobs kitten heels." At that sentence, dylan alicia, and kristenall whipped theyre heads to see the feat (no pun intended). Massie continued."
youre know dirty blande hair looks ah-mazing and matches perfectly. At last, it was massies turn. " My white BCBG mini dress w/ a black bow looks ah-mazing over my black sass and bide jeans. white polka dotted juicy flats complete the look. My hair is freshly highlighted and I grew 2 inches over the summer. Notice anything else?" the girls looked with curiosity. " Your boobs!" alicia shouted She was right. Massie was know almost a c-cup. "Wow" everyone gawked." And as of today, the pretty committee is off boy strike.We will get our boys back for good. And here's how. We'll lead them too the room and show them how sultry we can be. I hope everyone brought a change of clothes!" At that, Isacc pulled into the Ocd Lot.


Anonymous said...

eh, ma ,gawd! your book is ah-mazing! how do u write like that?

Jeune Royauté said...

It is pretty good, just work on the grammar. out of ten, a 9.7 :D I'm glad I inspired you!

Aly said...

yeah. it's good.
but i agree with taylor.
work on the grammar.


Anonymous said...

hola! mm, why didn't you tell us you wrote that story? it is ah-mzing!

Anonymous said...

OMG!! love the story... it inspires me. lol. just to let u know u can see a preview of what bratfest at tiffanys is really going to look like, and u can read a chapter of it.

Alicia said...

ewww. ur story was sooo cheesy. I mean, it sounds like u got it of a cereal box. No offense. I mean, anyone can write a crappy story like that. And Aly's stories are wayyyyy better than urs. sorry, i got bored after reading 4 sentences of ur story. and the grammar mistakes disgust me. ew.